

# 1. 创建一个分支和本地副本:

git clone git@github.com:your-username/python-graphblas.git
  • 导航到包含 python-graphblas 的文件夹并添加上游仓库:

git remote add upstream git@github.com:python-graphblas/python-graphblas.git
  • 现在,你有远程仓库名为:

  • upstream,指的是python-graphblas仓库

  • origin,指的是你个人的分支

# 2. 设置本地开发环境:

  • 接下来,你需要设置你的构建环境。


  • venv (基于pip,目前仅支持Linux)

# Create a virtualenv named ``graphblas-dev`` that lives in the directory of
# the same name
python -m venv graphblas-dev
# Activate it
source graphblas-dev/bin/activate
# Install main development and runtime dependencies of python-graphblas
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
# Build and install python-graphblas from source
pip install -e . --no-deps
# Test your installation
pytest graphblas
  • conda (Anaconda 或 Miniconda)

# Create a conda environment named ``graphblas-dev`` using environment.yml in the repository root
conda env create -f environment.yml
# Activate it
conda activate graphblas-dev
# Install python-graphblas from source
pip install -e . --no-deps
# Test your installation
pytest graphblas
  • 最后,我们建议您使用一个预提交钩子,当您输入 git commit 时,它会运行一系列测试:

pre-commit install
# to trigger manual check use:
# pre-commit run --all-files